
Ilmac Conference 2023: Chemical Sciences as Driving Forces for a Sustainable Future Chemical sciences and its related technologies are one of the main drivers to reduce  the carbon footprint in industrial production and have a tremendous impact to reach the goal of a “net zero society”. Energy saving, waste reduction or using more sustainable raw materials and catalysts are only […]

Swiss Chemical Society – ILMAC 2023

Addressing industrial challenges and academic needs: perspectives on data interoperability and exchange While it is clear that the sharing of data is crucial to the advancement of science, varying maturity levels across sectors and technological and sociological blockers often stand in the way. The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre, a UK charity dedicated to the advancement […]

ACS Meeting Aug 2023

FAIR data principles adoption are critical for all research data. Pleased to have collaborated with Gerd Blanke & Thomas Doerner on discussing the importance of FAIR to Chemical data #fairdata #lifescience. For more details see our article on Zenodo. So far, chemical data such as chemical structures and chemical reactions and their associated data and metadata has not been a […]

Chemical Data in Life Sciences R&D and the FAIR Principles