
We were delighted to talk at the recent 2016 BioIT World conference in Boston on Securing Personal Genomic Data using Blockchain with Richard Shute giving this update Just over two years ago, Marc Andreessen (Netscape Founder) commented on – Why Bitcoin Matters – with this grand vision. Far from a mere libertarian fairy tale or a simple Silicon Valley […]

BioIT Talk: Securing Personal Genomic Data using Blockchain

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the blockchain, the global ledger behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoin that manages the transactions, and blockchain technology are going to be disruptive to industries far beyond FinTech and the financial services. Right now, the global commercial banks and even government central banks are rushing to develop strategies for dealing with […]

Securing your healthcare data using blockchain

This is the time of year of new year’s resolutions and making changes. When it comes to informatics & data solutions, when we decide to make changes it’s worth considering what you are changing from and why. What does your current environment look like? What do you want your environment to look like in the […]

Change is everywhere. How to plan the change?