
Image from In a new article published on February 7 by Bio-IT World on potential use-cases and applications of blockchain, Richard Shute, Curlew Research Consultant, looks at how distributed ledger technology could be used to reduce the scourge of scientific data falsification.  In this extract Richard gives some background to the issue and hints at how […]

Scientific Data Doctoring: Could Blockchain Technology Help Stamp It Out?

There is no doubt that the interest and hype around blockchain, or distributed ledger technology (DLT), builds daily. The explosion of articles and books recently is testament to this. But what is a blockchain and how might distributed ledger technology impact healthcare, Pharma and R&D? In a new article on pages 52-57 of the Fall […]

Blockchain Technology in Drug Discovery: Use Cases in R&D.

 Amazon’s Alexa has become very popular as a Voice assistant and especially in the home over the last 18 months. Alexa Skills, the apps that can run on Alexa and integrate with other services have grown considerably.  In terms of market share, Alexa has over 15000 skills compared to the other platforms (Google Assistant and […]

Will Alexa and Alexa Skills (and other Voice Recognition) be ...

Recently, Curlew Research was involved in a project with Collaborative Drug Discovery, CDD (@CDDVault), to explore the value and market potential for their new ontology-based informatics product BioAssay Express, BAE (  As part of that project we interviewed a number of senior informaticians and scientists from top 10 Pharma and biotech research organizations in the […]

Curlew Research Helping to Promote Assay Informatics

Here at Curlew Research we are very interested in the potential offered by blockchain, also known as distributed ledger technology (DLT), to advance, enhance and disrupt healthcare – from candidate drug discovery to the medicines supply chain.  One area that seems to us ripe for the marriage of DLT and healthcare is genomics – specifically […]

Curlew Research Partner, Encrypgen Interviewed By

We are delighted to announce that Curlew Research will be leading a conference workshop at BioIT World Expo on May 23rd 2017– “An Intro To Blockchain In Life Science“. Blockchain technology, also known as “distributed ledger technology” (DLT) is currently one of the hottest tech items around. Every day, blockchain is being touted as a […]

Curlew Research Leading Workshop On Blockchain at BioIT World Expo, ...

We were delighted to talk at the recent 2016 BioIT World conference in Boston on Securing Personal Genomic Data using Blockchain with Richard Shute giving this update Just over two years ago, Marc Andreessen (Netscape Founder) commented on – Why Bitcoin Matters – with this grand vision. Far from a mere libertarian fairy tale or a simple Silicon Valley […]

BioIT Talk: Securing Personal Genomic Data using Blockchain